Aquatic Physiotherapy and Gym Programs
We take a varied, holistic approach to help keep our clients engaged, motivated and reaching their potential.
Helping you locate a suitable gym
Finding the right gym to meet your exact needs can feel daunting. You can call on us to help you locate the best gym for you, especially if you have accessibility requirements, such as accommodating a wheelchair. We’ll evaluate your activity plan and personal requirements in relation to the equipment, physical space, and travel logistics involved, then match you with a gym that will help you get the most out of your exercise time.
Your gym journey
Some exercises lend themselves to being the focus of specialised activities at home, while others involve working through an exercise program at the gym. When it comes to exercising at the gym, the journey starts with setting incremental goals to develop strength, agility and mobility. As well as enhancing physical fitness and mental wellbeing, gym training can also be used as a way of maintaining that enhanced level, once it has successfully been attained.
Making hydrotherapy work for you
Depending on your individual needs, aquatic physiotherapy can be another valuable way to help your body. Some movements in water can be easier to attempt, as your body is more buoyant, giving you the freedom to move differently and with far lower impact to your joints. Much like the time and dedication we give to aligning people with the right gym, we apply the same approach to helping you find the right pool for your physiotherapy program. Some pools have excellent accessibility with hoists, steps and ramps to assist in getting in and out of the water safely, and we know exactly which of those pools will be best for you in the local area.
The role of support workers
After one of our skilled physios has created a bespoke exercise program, ideally suited to your rehabilitation needs, a support worker or allied health assistant can take the role of ensuring this program is followed. Support workers are there to help people become more independent and assist in the practicalities of physically getting to the gym, and then navigating around the gym (where required) to use different pieces of equipment.
For help finding the right gym or pool to meet your needs, or general enquiries about physiotherapy support, call us today.