
Spinal Cord Injury

How can you prevent falls in wet weather?

–   JULY 2022   –

How can you prevent falls in wet weather?


As the weather conditions deteriorate, more frequent rainy days increase the risk of you having a fall when walking on slippery outdoor surfaces. Added to that, with it being flu season, should you become ill, the fatigue flu brings can impact your sense of balance, which can also increase the risk of falling over. Should a bad fall occur, needing to be admitted to hospital at a time where COVID cases are common and hospital beds have limited availability, puts you at even further risk.

How can you prevent falls in wet weather? Read More »

Why do you need a neuro-respiratory physiotherapist if you have a spinal injury?

–   JUNE 2022   –

Why do you need a neuro-respiratory physiotherapist if you have a spinal injury?


For anyone with a spinal cord injury, it’s very common to also experience respiratory complications. This is because a spinal cord injury often results in respiratory muscle weakness. A spinal injury can put strain on the chest wall, rib cage, abdominal muscles and diaphragm, which ultimately impacts breathing. Depending on which part of the spine is damaged, be it the neck, middle or lower back, this determines how breathing is compromised. 

Why do you need a neuro-respiratory physiotherapist if you have a spinal injury? Read More »
