

Service Hourly Rate Travel Fees
You can talk to your therapist about where you will have your therapy. We will charge you for travel to that location. Active Edge Physio charge travel in 5 minute increments at our standard hourly rate. The maximum we charge for travel per visit is 30 minutes, except in the case of the final appointment for the day. If your appointment is the final appointment of the day, you will be charged additional travel of up to a maximum of 30 minutes. Charged travel time also includes a $0.97 per kilometre fee and other costs associated with the trip such as road tolls or parking. Where a therapist travels to provide services to more than one client in the same geographical area, we apportion travel costs between clients equally. Travel charges can vary as it depends on where a therapist’s previous client is, how many clients are booked, whether there are cancellations, and a number of other factors. Our team prioritises scheduling appointments to minimise travel costs.
Non face to face clinical interventions

Non face to face clinical interventions

Some examples of our non face to face clinical interventions include:

  • Clinical documentation – 30 minutes per initial and 15 minutes per review appointments
  • Report writing
  • Exercise programs, care guidelines and other resource creation
  • Team meetings
  • Liaising and correspondence with medical, allied health teams and other key stakeholders
  • Assistive technology applications
  • Sourcing appropriate equipment in line with our client’s goals

Cancellation fees

If cancellation occurs within 48 hours of your appointment, we will urgently seek to find alternative billing work. If we are unable to do so, a cancellation fee of the full consultation price will be payable.  If the therapist has travelled to your location, then travel will also be invoiced.

Valid 16/04/2024
