
Case Studies

How our work transforms lives; A traumatic brain injury case study

–   JULY 2022   –

July blog BannerHow our work transforms lives;
A traumatic brain injury case study


If you’re wondering how the work we do differs from other physiotherapists, one example is our client, Yusef (aged 59). Yusef sustained a severe traumatic brain injury about 10 years before we started working with him. His long hospital admission resulted in left-sided weakness, and Yusef needing 24-hour care in supported accommodation. He was able to stand up briefly, with a lot of support from two people holding him up, which was really hard for him and not something he enjoyed or wanted to do. He was also suffering with a lot of back pain and felt very scared of falling.

How our work transforms lives; A traumatic brain injury case study Read More »

Specialised neuro-respiratory physiotherapists you can trust

–   JUNE 2022   –

Specialised neuro-respiratory physiotherapists you can trust


We have extensive experience working with patients in ground-breaking ways. The following case studies are just three examples of how we have helped people, when hospital staff and other medical professionals did not have the expertise of our team to be able to deliver the best possible care.

Specialised neuro-respiratory physiotherapists you can trust Read More »
